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Consuming Messages

Consuming messages has two requirements:

  • the system needs to know how messages should be handled
  • the system needs to provide extension points for certain events

The first requirement is fulfilled by message routing, the second is by the event dispatcher system.


use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;

// $router = see bellow
$eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher();

// Create a Consumer and start the loop.
$consumer = new Consumer($router, $eventDispatcher);

// The second argument is optional and is an array
// of options. Currently only ``max-runtime`` is supported which specifies the max runtime
// in seconds.
$consumer->consume($queueFactory->create('send-newsletter'), array(
    'max-runtime' => 900,


A single message represents a job that needs to be performed, and as described earlier, by default a message’s name is used to determine which receiver should receive that message.

A receiver can be any of the following:

  • callable
  • class with a static method with the name of the message with the first letter lower cased
  • object with a method with the name of the message with the first letter lower cased
  • object implementing the Bernard\Receiver interface

For the system to know which receiver should handle which messages, you are required to register them first.


use Bernard\Router\ReceiverMapRouter;
use Bernard\Consumer;

// create driver and a queuefactory
// NewsletterMessageHandler is a pseudo receiver that has a sendNewsletter method.

$router = new ReceiverMapRouter([
    'SendNewsletter' => new NewsletterMessageHandler(),

Message routing can also happen based on the message class instead of the message name.


use Bernard\Router\ClassNameRouter;
use Bernard\Consumer;

// create driver and a queuefactory
// NewsletterMessageHandler is a pseudo receiver that has a sendNewsletter method.
// NewsletterMessage is a pseudo message

$router = new ClassNameRouter([
    NewsletterMessage::class => new NewsletterMessageHandler(),

In some cases the above described receiver rules might not be enough. The provided router implementations also accept a receiver resolver which can be used for example to resolve receivers from a Dependency Injection container. A good example for that is the PSR-11 container resolver implementation that comes with this package.


use Bernard\Router\ReceiverMapRouter;
use Bernard\Router\ContainerReceiverResolver;
use Bernard\Consumer;

// create driver and a queuefactory
// NewsletterMessageHandler is a pseudo receiver that has a sendNewsletter method.
// $container = your PSR-11 compatible container

$router = new ReceiverMapRouter(
        'SendNewsletter' => NewsletterMessageHandler::class,
    new ContainerReceiverResolver($container),

Commandline Interface

Bernard comes with a ConsumeCommand which can be used with Symfony Console component.


use Bernard\Command\ConsumeCommand;

// create $console application
$console->add(new ConsumeCommand($consumer, $queueFactory));

It can then be used as any other console command. The argument given should be the queue that your messages are on. If we use the earlier example with sending a newsletter, it would look like this.

$ /path/to/console bernard:consume send-newsletter


When a message is dequeued it is also marked as invisible (if the driver supports this) and when the message have been consumed then it will also be acknowledged. Some drivers have a timeout on the invisible state and will automatically requeue a message after that time. Therefore it is important to have a timeout greater than it takes for you to consume a single message.